The registered paper presenters will be advised to forward their papers to the prestigious journals listed below after the presentation at HUSO2024.

ISSN (Print): 2663-4597 | ISSN (Online): 2663-4589
Research and Postgraduate Support Directorate
Durban University of Technology, South Africa

Editor in Chief: Dr. Rita Yi Man Li
ISSN Online: 2059-7789
ISSN Print: 2059-7770
IJSRECE proposes and fosters discussion on sustainable real estate and economics, emphasising the application of various economic theories. It acknowledges the complexity of the concept of sustainability as an interface between economics, society and the environment and offers a platform on which both academics and practitioners will find research of interest.
Online ISSN: 1940-0683 ; Print ISSN: 0022-0973
Editor in Chief: Prof. Avi Kaplan
2015 Impact Factor : 1.638
2017 Citescore 0.8 - values from Scopus
The Language Learning Journal (LLJ) provides a forum for scholarly contributions on current aspects of foreign language and teaching. LLJ is an international, peer-reviewed journal that is intended for an international readership, including foreign language teachers, language teacher educators, researchers and policy makers.
** Note :
The Editorial Boards of each journal has the discretion of accepting or rejecting your paper based on their evaluation criteria. In other words, the final decision on the publication of your paper will be made only by the respective Editors of the journal, and the conference organizers are not responsible for any specific requirement for publishing the presented paper in the journals listed in the conference website. The Conference organizers do not take any responsibility for non-publication of papers in the journals listed in the conference website.