Inclusive Education (IE) is a global reform agenda showing up in policy discourses across nations. It is a contested phenomena/term (Walton, 2016) and research in IE is complex (Hardy &
Written in Java Script, ARBot is an automated profile recognition software on Twitter, known as bots. It makes calls to the Botometer and Twitter APIs, from a database, answering precisely
Rape is not a newly category of offence which have taken the birth in modern times, while it could be traced in every civilization. However, the role of the early
The year 2021 marks the 70th anniversary of establishing the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea (UNMCK) in 1951. Constructed to remember the fallen soldiers of the Korean War (1950-1953)
This research story paper wishes to put forward the possibility of using an alternative method of presenting research than the more traditional academic language that many students find challenging (Collier,
Natalia Washington and Daniel Kelly marries moral philosophy and cognitive psychology and posits that implicit biases, racism, sexism, homophobia are a result of psychological forces. But, the central ism of