ARBot, an automated profile recognition software on Twitter

Written in Java Script, ARBot is an automated profile recognition software on Twitter, known as bots. It makes calls to the Botometer and Twitter APIs, from a database, answering precisely whether a given profile is automated or not. To present ARBot, 63,737 tweets were collected on 05/29/2020 that mentioned the hashtag #leidacensuranao (censure law not), an event where social network users protested against a bill that aims to “fake news combat” from government of Jair Bolsonaro. In this study, it was found that, among the most relevant users in this debate, 66.6% of the profiles had some kind of automation, 26% were real profiles, 10.2% were already excluded accounts and 7.2% the application was not. to be able to distinguish. ARBot, working together with other data visualization tools, such as Gephi and RawGraphs 2.0, also allowed us to conclude that automated profiles had more influence in the debate than real profiles.

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